Monday, November 15, 2010

Help Making Money

Pedro Sorrentino is the first international student to attend Boulder Digital Works, a graduate school based in Boulder, Colorado that exists to build the next generation of digital professionals. Prior to moving to the States, he was the head of marketing and PR for Mediamind (Nasdaq: MDMD) in São Paulo, Brazil, his homeland.

Although startups and Madison Avenue agencies are perceived to have little in common, coffee shop-hopping entrepreneurs and modern “Don Drapers” actually share more characteristics than you might think, and they can learn a lot from one another.

The most valuable assets for startups are time and team. When working on a big idea with little money and a short time to make it real, Mark Zuckerberg’s corporate mantra “move fast and break things” is particularly a propos. Getting user feedback and making (and then fixing) mistakes as quickly as possible can help startups avoid bigger problems and bring home the bacon in the long run.

It seems that now, more than ever, it’s time for “Mad Men” everywhere to heed the advice of the entrepreneurs setting up shop in basements and coffee shops around the world.

Here are five lessons Madison Avenue can learn from startups. Add your own thoughts in the comments below.

1. Be T-Shaped

Big multinational advertising behemoths that hit their stride before the rise of the web often struggle to deliver high-quality digital and interactive work. In many cases, a hesitance to move forward or a lack of technical knowledge within a company’s talent base are at the root of this.

“Startups are most likely to have a small team. Consider eight people and a situation where four or five of them are programmers. They are not just going to do technical stuff. There’s a demand to have a broader line of thought, since there’s no one else around to do the work,” says John Keehler, principal at ClickHere, the digital division for The Richards Group.

Marketers should strive to be T-shaped professionals. This concept was born inside the creative agency Ideo and is about professionals with versatility and the ability to think like a designer or a programmer, even if you work with marketing.

T-shaped professionals have a broad view of things. In startups, this is a reality, but when it comes to big agencies, people tend to be divided in silos.

Advice for Madison Avenue: It’s important to have a wide vision and understanding of everyone who’s involved with the campaign that you’re working on. This versatility saves time and brings more ideas to the table.

2. Test, Fail and Learn

Brent Daily is the COO and co-founder of RoundPegg, a Boulder-based TechStars startup that provides online HR solutions for discovering professional personalities. He thinks that a good startup culture is one that believes “it’s OK to make mistakes and be a spectacular failure.” On the other hand, he agrees that agencies can’t easily bring this acceptance of failure into their ecosystems — after all, if they fail, their clients also fail and that can represent a huge loss of money.

Agencies should consider testing marketing campaigns and products on the web as “beta tests.” Getting feedback from users via the web is a low cost way to get a feel for how the community will take to ideas. After optimizing based on user feedback, campaigns would then be better prepared to launch on other mediums, such as TV or print. When it comes to digital, users tend to enjoy sharing their opinions and giving solid feedback. “There are so many places to go and test advertising rather than doing expensive focus groups, that the result is usually a pretty low-cost test bid for them,” says Daily.

One good example of open innovation is the startup UserVoice. The service positions itself as “customer feedback 2.0″ and allows companies to ask for feedback on an organized web platform. Perhaps some day more companies will substitute the traditional focus groups for this lower cost web alternative.

Advice for Madison Avenue: Before starting a huge ad campaign and spending millions of dollars on media, use the web as your test arena and get quick feedback from your customers.

3. Leverage PR 2.0

PR 2.0 is the art of using social tools to reach and communicate with key stakeholders. There used to be a time when public relations was all about relationships with journalists and sending out press releases. Taking clients to lunch, picking up the check and smiling was the way to go. This method still exists, but is on its way out.

Public relations is now about the art of dealing with, well, the public. Journalists are still very important, but nothing beats the credibility of your customers, and they are probably already talking about your product. The question is: Are you listening?

Fortunately, there’s less and less space for companies with bad products to succeed by deploying exceptional marketing. We as consumers just don’t accept that anymore. Product quality is the true advantage — attaching that strength to a sound PR strategy enables companies to listen to what consumers are saying, engage them and build brand awareness.

Startups take advantage out of this. When a startup offers a great solution with its product, normally there’s an engaged early adopter community ready to give free feedback. Agencies should take advantage of it, too. What better way to improve your business and its product than getting direct feedback from your core users? Initiatives like Starbucks’s customer feedback and idea generation site are the right way to go.

Advice for Madison Avenue: Remember that having a great product is key. But listen and allow your early adopters to influence the next meeting with your client’s R&D department.

4. Bootstrap It

If a startup can run for months (or years) without without getting funded, Mad Men can dabble in testing and running campaigns without buying media. Agencies could learn a lot by testing out the old startup method of bootstrapping; that is, getting by without external help and being cautious with expenses.

Startups, for example, use free social tools like Twitterclass="blippr-nobr">Twitter, Facebookclass="blippr-nobr">Facebook and YouTubeclass="blippr-nobr">YouTube all the time to save money and still reach large, influential, highly-targeted audiences. Increasingly, agencies and large advertisers are beginning to catch on and test them out; the Old Spice guy campaign is a very good example of this.

As that campaign proved, a Twitter account and some YouTube videos can go a long way. What’s better is that using these tools is cost effective, even if you count time invested. We know that the Old Spice guy videos were not a simple production, but this campaign was comparatively inexpensive because starting with social media is much cheaper (and oftentimes more powerful) than a TV commercial.

Advice for Madison Avenue: Remember that you can do more with less when you have a good idea and a strong plan for execution.

5. Open Up to Feedback

Good startups spend a lot of time crowdsourcing opinions and getting feedback from their communities and mentors in order to improve their products. Agencies, on the other hand, usually won’t share copy or ideas with one another or their communities until a campaign is ready to launch.

Some agencies though, are finding that it doesn’t hurt to ask others for creative or production input — that’s what Victor & Spoils is all about. Based in Boulder, Colorado, the ad agency calls itself “the world’s first creative (ad) agency built on crowdsourcing principles.”

John Windsor, Victor & Spoils CEO and former VP of strategy and innovation at CP+B, understands how disruptive new technologies can be, especially when they relate to the ad world. “We’re moving from a world of scarcity to a world of abundance. The rise of the curator class has a new generator of social creative/digital directors,” says Windsor.

This is a company that has tapped into the startup principles and made its business faster, global (it has people from all around the world giving input) and without the legacy issues that you see on Madison Avenue. As time passes, we can draw a line between businesses that embrace change and the ones that fear new ways of doing things.

Advice for Madison Avenue: Embrace change and don’t fear the unknown. Others can help your cause if you give them the right opportunity.

More Business Resources from Mashable:

- What’s the Value in a Brand Name?/> - HOW TO: Run Location-Based Google Ads/> - HOW TO: Get the Most From a Small Business Social Media Presence/> - Top 5 Qualities to Look for in Startup Job Candidates/> - Why the Best Online Marketing May Be Headed Offline

Images courtesy of MadMenYourself & class='blippr-nobr'>Flickrclass="blippr-nobr">Flickr, jolien_vallins

For more Startups coverage:

    class="f-el">class="cov-twit">Follow Mashable Startupsclass="s-el">class="cov-rss">Subscribe to the Startups channelclass="f-el">class="cov-fb">Become a Fan on Facebookclass="s-el">class="cov-apple">Download our free apps for iPhone and iPad

Doug Mataconis points out that for all the talk about how money
buys elections, of the 10 candidates for Congress who spent the
most money on their own campaigns this year, only two were
victorious in last week's midterms.

What money does do is help a challenger get his message
out to overcome the massive advantages that come with incumbency.
If voters don't like the message, money doesn't appear to help a
candidate much.

The real threat to democracy is incumbency and the permanent
political class. In the month before the election, public approval
for Congress was somewhere
between 15 and 25 percent. Yet even in an election year rife
with "throw the bums out" sentiment,
87 percent of House incumbents who ran for reelection won last
week. If Lisa Murkowski wins in Alaska, the figure for the Senate

will be 84 percent. Those figures are slightly lower than the
historical average.

It's true that approval ratings for the whole of Congress are
different from voter affection for a particular congressman or
senator. But that's partly the point. With gerrymandering;
entitlement programs that create a need for constituent service;
campaign regulations that make it increasingly difficult to file
and challenge an incumbent, the general celebrity of federal
office; and various other
advantages, Congress is a much-loathed institution that has
nonetheless rigged the game to ensure its members maximum job
security and minimal accountability. Money isn't even partly
responsible for many of these advantages, save for gerrymandering
(which both parties spend money to influence). But money
is necessary to overcome them. (Of course, most incumbents
also have built-in fundraising advantages, which are also
exacerbated by caps on contributions.)

A deep campaign chest is usually a prerequisite to
knocking off an incumbent, but it isn't remotely a guarantee.
Making it more difficult for challengers to raise money only makes
it more difficult for them to overcome the non-monied advantages of
incumbency. The more resrictions we put on fundraising, the more
difficult it is for voters to hold politcians accountable. Which
explains why we keep reelecting the same politicians, in spite of
the fact that we pretty consistently tell pollsters how much we
hate them.

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PICT1779 by HenryAllum

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Green Man by doug88888

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star light by bluecinderella

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Taking a Break from Golf by Conway L.

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The Magic Of Horses by Big Grey Mare

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Virgin Mobile Lobster phone - Virgin Radio by James Cridland

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A Windowlight (window light) Portrait / low-key / dark / black / bw / - IMG_5528 by Bahman Farzad

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Pedro Sorrentino is the first international student to attend Boulder Digital Works, a graduate school based in Boulder, Colorado that exists to build the next generation of digital professionals. Prior to moving to the States, he was the head of marketing and PR for Mediamind (Nasdaq: MDMD) in São Paulo, Brazil, his homeland.

Although startups and Madison Avenue agencies are perceived to have little in common, coffee shop-hopping entrepreneurs and modern “Don Drapers” actually share more characteristics than you might think, and they can learn a lot from one another.

The most valuable assets for startups are time and team. When working on a big idea with little money and a short time to make it real, Mark Zuckerberg’s corporate mantra “move fast and break things” is particularly a propos. Getting user feedback and making (and then fixing) mistakes as quickly as possible can help startups avoid bigger problems and bring home the bacon in the long run.

It seems that now, more than ever, it’s time for “Mad Men” everywhere to heed the advice of the entrepreneurs setting up shop in basements and coffee shops around the world.

Here are five lessons Madison Avenue can learn from startups. Add your own thoughts in the comments below.

1. Be T-Shaped

Big multinational advertising behemoths that hit their stride before the rise of the web often struggle to deliver high-quality digital and interactive work. In many cases, a hesitance to move forward or a lack of technical knowledge within a company’s talent base are at the root of this.

“Startups are most likely to have a small team. Consider eight people and a situation where four or five of them are programmers. They are not just going to do technical stuff. There’s a demand to have a broader line of thought, since there’s no one else around to do the work,” says John Keehler, principal at ClickHere, the digital division for The Richards Group.

Marketers should strive to be T-shaped professionals. This concept was born inside the creative agency Ideo and is about professionals with versatility and the ability to think like a designer or a programmer, even if you work with marketing.

T-shaped professionals have a broad view of things. In startups, this is a reality, but when it comes to big agencies, people tend to be divided in silos.

Advice for Madison Avenue: It’s important to have a wide vision and understanding of everyone who’s involved with the campaign that you’re working on. This versatility saves time and brings more ideas to the table.

2. Test, Fail and Learn

Brent Daily is the COO and co-founder of RoundPegg, a Boulder-based TechStars startup that provides online HR solutions for discovering professional personalities. He thinks that a good startup culture is one that believes “it’s OK to make mistakes and be a spectacular failure.” On the other hand, he agrees that agencies can’t easily bring this acceptance of failure into their ecosystems — after all, if they fail, their clients also fail and that can represent a huge loss of money.

Agencies should consider testing marketing campaigns and products on the web as “beta tests.” Getting feedback from users via the web is a low cost way to get a feel for how the community will take to ideas. After optimizing based on user feedback, campaigns would then be better prepared to launch on other mediums, such as TV or print. When it comes to digital, users tend to enjoy sharing their opinions and giving solid feedback. “There are so many places to go and test advertising rather than doing expensive focus groups, that the result is usually a pretty low-cost test bid for them,” says Daily.

One good example of open innovation is the startup UserVoice. The service positions itself as “customer feedback 2.0″ and allows companies to ask for feedback on an organized web platform. Perhaps some day more companies will substitute the traditional focus groups for this lower cost web alternative.

Advice for Madison Avenue: Before starting a huge ad campaign and spending millions of dollars on media, use the web as your test arena and get quick feedback from your customers.

3. Leverage PR 2.0

PR 2.0 is the art of using social tools to reach and communicate with key stakeholders. There used to be a time when public relations was all about relationships with journalists and sending out press releases. Taking clients to lunch, picking up the check and smiling was the way to go. This method still exists, but is on its way out.

Public relations is now about the art of dealing with, well, the public. Journalists are still very important, but nothing beats the credibility of your customers, and they are probably already talking about your product. The question is: Are you listening?

Fortunately, there’s less and less space for companies with bad products to succeed by deploying exceptional marketing. We as consumers just don’t accept that anymore. Product quality is the true advantage — attaching that strength to a sound PR strategy enables companies to listen to what consumers are saying, engage them and build brand awareness.

Startups take advantage out of this. When a startup offers a great solution with its product, normally there’s an engaged early adopter community ready to give free feedback. Agencies should take advantage of it, too. What better way to improve your business and its product than getting direct feedback from your core users? Initiatives like Starbucks’s customer feedback and idea generation site are the right way to go.

Advice for Madison Avenue: Remember that having a great product is key. But listen and allow your early adopters to influence the next meeting with your client’s R&D department.

4. Bootstrap It

If a startup can run for months (or years) without without getting funded, Mad Men can dabble in testing and running campaigns without buying media. Agencies could learn a lot by testing out the old startup method of bootstrapping; that is, getting by without external help and being cautious with expenses.

Startups, for example, use free social tools like Twitterclass="blippr-nobr">Twitter, Facebookclass="blippr-nobr">Facebook and YouTubeclass="blippr-nobr">YouTube all the time to save money and still reach large, influential, highly-targeted audiences. Increasingly, agencies and large advertisers are beginning to catch on and test them out; the Old Spice guy campaign is a very good example of this.

As that campaign proved, a Twitter account and some YouTube videos can go a long way. What’s better is that using these tools is cost effective, even if you count time invested. We know that the Old Spice guy videos were not a simple production, but this campaign was comparatively inexpensive because starting with social media is much cheaper (and oftentimes more powerful) than a TV commercial.

Advice for Madison Avenue: Remember that you can do more with less when you have a good idea and a strong plan for execution.

5. Open Up to Feedback

Good startups spend a lot of time crowdsourcing opinions and getting feedback from their communities and mentors in order to improve their products. Agencies, on the other hand, usually won’t share copy or ideas with one another or their communities until a campaign is ready to launch.

Some agencies though, are finding that it doesn’t hurt to ask others for creative or production input — that’s what Victor & Spoils is all about. Based in Boulder, Colorado, the ad agency calls itself “the world’s first creative (ad) agency built on crowdsourcing principles.”

John Windsor, Victor & Spoils CEO and former VP of strategy and innovation at CP+B, understands how disruptive new technologies can be, especially when they relate to the ad world. “We’re moving from a world of scarcity to a world of abundance. The rise of the curator class has a new generator of social creative/digital directors,” says Windsor.

This is a company that has tapped into the startup principles and made its business faster, global (it has people from all around the world giving input) and without the legacy issues that you see on Madison Avenue. As time passes, we can draw a line between businesses that embrace change and the ones that fear new ways of doing things.

Advice for Madison Avenue: Embrace change and don’t fear the unknown. Others can help your cause if you give them the right opportunity.

More Business Resources from Mashable:

- What’s the Value in a Brand Name?/> - HOW TO: Run Location-Based Google Ads/> - HOW TO: Get the Most From a Small Business Social Media Presence/> - Top 5 Qualities to Look for in Startup Job Candidates/> - Why the Best Online Marketing May Be Headed Offline

Images courtesy of MadMenYourself & class='blippr-nobr'>Flickrclass="blippr-nobr">Flickr, jolien_vallins

For more Startups coverage:

    class="f-el">class="cov-twit">Follow Mashable Startupsclass="s-el">class="cov-rss">Subscribe to the Startups channelclass="f-el">class="cov-fb">Become a Fan on Facebookclass="s-el">class="cov-apple">Download our free apps for iPhone and iPad

Doug Mataconis points out that for all the talk about how money
buys elections, of the 10 candidates for Congress who spent the
most money on their own campaigns this year, only two were
victorious in last week's midterms.

What money does do is help a challenger get his message
out to overcome the massive advantages that come with incumbency.
If voters don't like the message, money doesn't appear to help a
candidate much.

The real threat to democracy is incumbency and the permanent
political class. In the month before the election, public approval
for Congress was somewhere
between 15 and 25 percent. Yet even in an election year rife
with "throw the bums out" sentiment,
87 percent of House incumbents who ran for reelection won last
week. If Lisa Murkowski wins in Alaska, the figure for the Senate

will be 84 percent. Those figures are slightly lower than the
historical average.

It's true that approval ratings for the whole of Congress are
different from voter affection for a particular congressman or
senator. But that's partly the point. With gerrymandering;
entitlement programs that create a need for constituent service;
campaign regulations that make it increasingly difficult to file
and challenge an incumbent, the general celebrity of federal
office; and various other
advantages, Congress is a much-loathed institution that has
nonetheless rigged the game to ensure its members maximum job
security and minimal accountability. Money isn't even partly
responsible for many of these advantages, save for gerrymandering
(which both parties spend money to influence). But money
is necessary to overcome them. (Of course, most incumbents
also have built-in fundraising advantages, which are also
exacerbated by caps on contributions.)

A deep campaign chest is usually a prerequisite to
knocking off an incumbent, but it isn't remotely a guarantee.
Making it more difficult for challengers to raise money only makes
it more difficult for them to overcome the non-monied advantages of
incumbency. The more resrictions we put on fundraising, the more
difficult it is for voters to hold politcians accountable. Which
explains why we keep reelecting the same politicians, in spite of
the fact that we pretty consistently tell pollsters how much we
hate them.

bench craft company rip off

Sea Ice <b>News</b> #29 | Watts Up With That?

In sea ice news this week, Arctic sea ice continues its inexorable climb toward the summit, to be reached sometime in March 2011. At present the ice growth is tracking just below the rate of 2007, but it should also be pointed out that ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/15 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Who invited the 2009 Chiefs to yesterday's game? As you can imagine, there are a lot of recaps and opinions on the game (and a missing handshake). Here's today's Kansas City Chiefs news.

Cable announces new business mentoring network - <b>News</b> : NDS

p>Vince Cable announced a new 40000-strong network of business mentors at the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week today, and called on more businesses to join up.</p>

bench craft company rip off

Sea Ice <b>News</b> #29 | Watts Up With That?

In sea ice news this week, Arctic sea ice continues its inexorable climb toward the summit, to be reached sometime in March 2011. At present the ice growth is tracking just below the rate of 2007, but it should also be pointed out that ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/15 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Who invited the 2009 Chiefs to yesterday's game? As you can imagine, there are a lot of recaps and opinions on the game (and a missing handshake). Here's today's Kansas City Chiefs news.

Cable announces new business mentoring network - <b>News</b> : NDS

p>Vince Cable announced a new 40000-strong network of business mentors at the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week today, and called on more businesses to join up.</p>

bench craft company rip off

Sea Ice <b>News</b> #29 | Watts Up With That?

In sea ice news this week, Arctic sea ice continues its inexorable climb toward the summit, to be reached sometime in March 2011. At present the ice growth is tracking just below the rate of 2007, but it should also be pointed out that ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/15 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Who invited the 2009 Chiefs to yesterday's game? As you can imagine, there are a lot of recaps and opinions on the game (and a missing handshake). Here's today's Kansas City Chiefs news.

Cable announces new business mentoring network - <b>News</b> : NDS

p>Vince Cable announced a new 40000-strong network of business mentors at the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week today, and called on more businesses to join up.</p>

bench craft company rip off

Sea Ice <b>News</b> #29 | Watts Up With That?

In sea ice news this week, Arctic sea ice continues its inexorable climb toward the summit, to be reached sometime in March 2011. At present the ice growth is tracking just below the rate of 2007, but it should also be pointed out that ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/15 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Who invited the 2009 Chiefs to yesterday's game? As you can imagine, there are a lot of recaps and opinions on the game (and a missing handshake). Here's today's Kansas City Chiefs news.

Cable announces new business mentoring network - <b>News</b> : NDS

p>Vince Cable announced a new 40000-strong network of business mentors at the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week today, and called on more businesses to join up.</p>

bench craft company rip off

PICT1779 by HenryAllum

bench craft company rip off
bench craft company rip off

Sea Ice <b>News</b> #29 | Watts Up With That?

In sea ice news this week, Arctic sea ice continues its inexorable climb toward the summit, to be reached sometime in March 2011. At present the ice growth is tracking just below the rate of 2007, but it should also be pointed out that ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/15 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Who invited the 2009 Chiefs to yesterday's game? As you can imagine, there are a lot of recaps and opinions on the game (and a missing handshake). Here's today's Kansas City Chiefs news.

Cable announces new business mentoring network - <b>News</b> : NDS

p>Vince Cable announced a new 40000-strong network of business mentors at the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week today, and called on more businesses to join up.</p>

bench craft company rip off

bench craft company rip off

Sea Ice <b>News</b> #29 | Watts Up With That?

In sea ice news this week, Arctic sea ice continues its inexorable climb toward the summit, to be reached sometime in March 2011. At present the ice growth is tracking just below the rate of 2007, but it should also be pointed out that ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/15 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Who invited the 2009 Chiefs to yesterday's game? As you can imagine, there are a lot of recaps and opinions on the game (and a missing handshake). Here's today's Kansas City Chiefs news.

Cable announces new business mentoring network - <b>News</b> : NDS

p>Vince Cable announced a new 40000-strong network of business mentors at the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week today, and called on more businesses to join up.</p>

bench craft company rip off

Sea Ice <b>News</b> #29 | Watts Up With That?

In sea ice news this week, Arctic sea ice continues its inexorable climb toward the summit, to be reached sometime in March 2011. At present the ice growth is tracking just below the rate of 2007, but it should also be pointed out that ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/15 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Who invited the 2009 Chiefs to yesterday's game? As you can imagine, there are a lot of recaps and opinions on the game (and a missing handshake). Here's today's Kansas City Chiefs news.

Cable announces new business mentoring network - <b>News</b> : NDS

p>Vince Cable announced a new 40000-strong network of business mentors at the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week today, and called on more businesses to join up.</p>

bench craft company rip off

<b>News</b> with a genuine North Korea dateline - Blog - Committee to <b>...</b>

A book named Rimjin-gang--News from Inside North Korea just became available. It's a compilation of years of reporting by a group of about 12 North Koreans using video and still cameras to record everyday life in North Korea.

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Soap Casting <b>News</b>: The King Joins &#39;OTLTL&#39; ... and More

This week, a four-decade fan favorite got the seal of approval, while a tall, dark and handsome actor found a new gig. Also, don't forget.

bench craft company rip off

NBC Ad Urges Recording <b>News</b> -

The anchor Brian Williams encourages people to record "Nightly News" if they cannot watch it at 6:30 pm.

Real Estate <b>News</b>: China Limits Foreign Investment - Developments - WSJ

Here is a look at real-estate news in the weekend's and Monday's WSJ:

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/15 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Who invited the 2009 Chiefs to yesterday's game? As you can imagine, there are a lot of recaps and opinions on the game (and a missing handshake). Here's today's Kansas City Chiefs news.

bench craft company rip off

David A. Love: Fox <b>News</b> Must Fire Glenn Beck for Mocking a <b>...</b>

All of us should be concerned about Glenn Beck's verbal assault on George Soros and his mocking of the Holocaust. Yet, this is more than a Jewish issue.

Megan Fox: &#39;Olivia Wilde Is So Sexy, She Makes Me Want To Strangle <b>...</b>

Animal-loving actress Olivia Wilde has defended Megan Fox after she made a controversial remark about wanting to throttle an ox. The "Transformers" star caused outrage by complimenting the "House...

Soap Casting <b>News</b>: The King Joins &#39;OTLTL&#39; ... and More

This week, a four-decade fan favorite got the seal of approval, while a tall, dark and handsome actor found a new gig. Also, don't forget.

bench craft company rip off
bench craft company rip off

PICT1779 by HenryAllum

bench craft company rip off

Sea Ice <b>News</b> #29 | Watts Up With That?

In sea ice news this week, Arctic sea ice continues its inexorable climb toward the summit, to be reached sometime in March 2011. At present the ice growth is tracking just below the rate of 2007, but it should also be pointed out that ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/15 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Who invited the 2009 Chiefs to yesterday's game? As you can imagine, there are a lot of recaps and opinions on the game (and a missing handshake). Here's today's Kansas City Chiefs news.

Cable announces new business mentoring network - <b>News</b> : NDS

p>Vince Cable announced a new 40000-strong network of business mentors at the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week today, and called on more businesses to join up.</p>

bench craft company rip off

Sea Ice <b>News</b> #29 | Watts Up With That?

In sea ice news this week, Arctic sea ice continues its inexorable climb toward the summit, to be reached sometime in March 2011. At present the ice growth is tracking just below the rate of 2007, but it should also be pointed out that ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/15 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Who invited the 2009 Chiefs to yesterday's game? As you can imagine, there are a lot of recaps and opinions on the game (and a missing handshake). Here's today's Kansas City Chiefs news.

Cable announces new business mentoring network - <b>News</b> : NDS

p>Vince Cable announced a new 40000-strong network of business mentors at the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week today, and called on more businesses to join up.</p>

bench craft company rip off

Sea Ice <b>News</b> #29 | Watts Up With That?

In sea ice news this week, Arctic sea ice continues its inexorable climb toward the summit, to be reached sometime in March 2011. At present the ice growth is tracking just below the rate of 2007, but it should also be pointed out that ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/15 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Who invited the 2009 Chiefs to yesterday's game? As you can imagine, there are a lot of recaps and opinions on the game (and a missing handshake). Here's today's Kansas City Chiefs news.

Cable announces new business mentoring network - <b>News</b> : NDS

p>Vince Cable announced a new 40000-strong network of business mentors at the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week today, and called on more businesses to join up.</p>

bench craft company rip off

Sea Ice <b>News</b> #29 | Watts Up With That?

In sea ice news this week, Arctic sea ice continues its inexorable climb toward the summit, to be reached sometime in March 2011. At present the ice growth is tracking just below the rate of 2007, but it should also be pointed out that ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/15 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Who invited the 2009 Chiefs to yesterday's game? As you can imagine, there are a lot of recaps and opinions on the game (and a missing handshake). Here's today's Kansas City Chiefs news.

Cable announces new business mentoring network - <b>News</b> : NDS

p>Vince Cable announced a new 40000-strong network of business mentors at the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week today, and called on more businesses to join up.</p>

bench craft company rip off

PICT1779 by HenryAllum

bench craft company rip off
bench craft company rip off

Sea Ice <b>News</b> #29 | Watts Up With That?

In sea ice news this week, Arctic sea ice continues its inexorable climb toward the summit, to be reached sometime in March 2011. At present the ice growth is tracking just below the rate of 2007, but it should also be pointed out that ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/15 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Who invited the 2009 Chiefs to yesterday's game? As you can imagine, there are a lot of recaps and opinions on the game (and a missing handshake). Here's today's Kansas City Chiefs news.

Cable announces new business mentoring network - <b>News</b> : NDS

p>Vince Cable announced a new 40000-strong network of business mentors at the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week today, and called on more businesses to join up.</p>

bench craft company rip off

bench craft company rip off

Sea Ice <b>News</b> #29 | Watts Up With That?

In sea ice news this week, Arctic sea ice continues its inexorable climb toward the summit, to be reached sometime in March 2011. At present the ice growth is tracking just below the rate of 2007, but it should also be pointed out that ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/15 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Who invited the 2009 Chiefs to yesterday's game? As you can imagine, there are a lot of recaps and opinions on the game (and a missing handshake). Here's today's Kansas City Chiefs news.

Cable announces new business mentoring network - <b>News</b> : NDS

p>Vince Cable announced a new 40000-strong network of business mentors at the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week today, and called on more businesses to join up.</p>

bench craft company rip off

Sea Ice <b>News</b> #29 | Watts Up With That?

In sea ice news this week, Arctic sea ice continues its inexorable climb toward the summit, to be reached sometime in March 2011. At present the ice growth is tracking just below the rate of 2007, but it should also be pointed out that ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/15 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Who invited the 2009 Chiefs to yesterday's game? As you can imagine, there are a lot of recaps and opinions on the game (and a missing handshake). Here's today's Kansas City Chiefs news.

Cable announces new business mentoring network - <b>News</b> : NDS

p>Vince Cable announced a new 40000-strong network of business mentors at the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week today, and called on more businesses to join up.</p>

bench craft company rip off

<b>News</b> with a genuine North Korea dateline - Blog - Committee to <b>...</b>

A book named Rimjin-gang--News from Inside North Korea just became available. It's a compilation of years of reporting by a group of about 12 North Koreans using video and still cameras to record everyday life in North Korea.

Lujiazui Breakfast: <b>News</b> And Views About China Stocks (Nov. 15 <b>...</b>

Stocks in China may face more declines today after large losses in mainland and US-traded China shares on Friday. Chinese media have been reporting that the government plans interest-rate increases to curb rising prices in the country.

Soap Casting <b>News</b>: The King Joins &#39;OTLTL&#39; ... and More

This week, a four-decade fan favorite got the seal of approval, while a tall, dark and handsome actor found a new gig. Also, don't forget.

bench craft company rip off

NBC Ad Urges Recording <b>News</b> -

The anchor Brian Williams encourages people to record "Nightly News" if they cannot watch it at 6:30 pm.

Real Estate <b>News</b>: China Limits Foreign Investment - Developments - WSJ

Here is a look at real-estate news in the weekend's and Monday's WSJ:

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/15 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Who invited the 2009 Chiefs to yesterday's game? As you can imagine, there are a lot of recaps and opinions on the game (and a missing handshake). Here's today's Kansas City Chiefs news.

bench craft company rip off

David A. Love: Fox <b>News</b> Must Fire Glenn Beck for Mocking a <b>...</b>

All of us should be concerned about Glenn Beck's verbal assault on George Soros and his mocking of the Holocaust. Yet, this is more than a Jewish issue.

Megan Fox: &#39;Olivia Wilde Is So Sexy, She Makes Me Want To Strangle <b>...</b>

Animal-loving actress Olivia Wilde has defended Megan Fox after she made a controversial remark about wanting to throttle an ox. The "Transformers" star caused outrage by complimenting the "House...

Soap Casting <b>News</b>: The King Joins &#39;OTLTL&#39; ... and More

This week, a four-decade fan favorite got the seal of approval, while a tall, dark and handsome actor found a new gig. Also, don't forget.

bench craft company rip off
bench craft company rip off

Sea Ice <b>News</b> #29 | Watts Up With That?

In sea ice news this week, Arctic sea ice continues its inexorable climb toward the summit, to be reached sometime in March 2011. At present the ice growth is tracking just below the rate of 2007, but it should also be pointed out that ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/15 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Who invited the 2009 Chiefs to yesterday's game? As you can imagine, there are a lot of recaps and opinions on the game (and a missing handshake). Here's today's Kansas City Chiefs news.

Cable announces new business mentoring network - <b>News</b> : NDS

p>Vince Cable announced a new 40000-strong network of business mentors at the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week today, and called on more businesses to join up.</p>

bench craft company rip off

Sea Ice <b>News</b> #29 | Watts Up With That?

In sea ice news this week, Arctic sea ice continues its inexorable climb toward the summit, to be reached sometime in March 2011. At present the ice growth is tracking just below the rate of 2007, but it should also be pointed out that ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/15 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Who invited the 2009 Chiefs to yesterday's game? As you can imagine, there are a lot of recaps and opinions on the game (and a missing handshake). Here's today's Kansas City Chiefs news.

Cable announces new business mentoring network - <b>News</b> : NDS

p>Vince Cable announced a new 40000-strong network of business mentors at the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week today, and called on more businesses to join up.</p>

bench craft company rip off

Sea Ice <b>News</b> #29 | Watts Up With That?

In sea ice news this week, Arctic sea ice continues its inexorable climb toward the summit, to be reached sometime in March 2011. At present the ice growth is tracking just below the rate of 2007, but it should also be pointed out that ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/15 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Who invited the 2009 Chiefs to yesterday's game? As you can imagine, there are a lot of recaps and opinions on the game (and a missing handshake). Here's today's Kansas City Chiefs news.

Cable announces new business mentoring network - <b>News</b> : NDS

p>Vince Cable announced a new 40000-strong network of business mentors at the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week today, and called on more businesses to join up.</p>

bench craft company rip off

PICT1779 by HenryAllum

bench craft company rip off
bench craft company rip off

Sea Ice <b>News</b> #29 | Watts Up With That?

In sea ice news this week, Arctic sea ice continues its inexorable climb toward the summit, to be reached sometime in March 2011. At present the ice growth is tracking just below the rate of 2007, but it should also be pointed out that ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/15 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Who invited the 2009 Chiefs to yesterday's game? As you can imagine, there are a lot of recaps and opinions on the game (and a missing handshake). Here's today's Kansas City Chiefs news.

Cable announces new business mentoring network - <b>News</b> : NDS

p>Vince Cable announced a new 40000-strong network of business mentors at the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week today, and called on more businesses to join up.</p>

bench craft company rip off

bench craft company rip off

Sea Ice <b>News</b> #29 | Watts Up With That?

In sea ice news this week, Arctic sea ice continues its inexorable climb toward the summit, to be reached sometime in March 2011. At present the ice growth is tracking just below the rate of 2007, but it should also be pointed out that ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/15 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Who invited the 2009 Chiefs to yesterday's game? As you can imagine, there are a lot of recaps and opinions on the game (and a missing handshake). Here's today's Kansas City Chiefs news.

Cable announces new business mentoring network - <b>News</b> : NDS

p>Vince Cable announced a new 40000-strong network of business mentors at the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week today, and called on more businesses to join up.</p>

bench craft company rip off

Sea Ice <b>News</b> #29 | Watts Up With That?

In sea ice news this week, Arctic sea ice continues its inexorable climb toward the summit, to be reached sometime in March 2011. At present the ice growth is tracking just below the rate of 2007, but it should also be pointed out that ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/15 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Who invited the 2009 Chiefs to yesterday's game? As you can imagine, there are a lot of recaps and opinions on the game (and a missing handshake). Here's today's Kansas City Chiefs news.

Cable announces new business mentoring network - <b>News</b> : NDS

p>Vince Cable announced a new 40000-strong network of business mentors at the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week today, and called on more businesses to join up.</p>

bench craft company rip off

<b>News</b> with a genuine North Korea dateline - Blog - Committee to <b>...</b>

A book named Rimjin-gang--News from Inside North Korea just became available. It's a compilation of years of reporting by a group of about 12 North Koreans using video and still cameras to record everyday life in North Korea.

Lujiazui Breakfast: <b>News</b> And Views About China Stocks (Nov. 15 <b>...</b>

Stocks in China may face more declines today after large losses in mainland and US-traded China shares on Friday. Chinese media have been reporting that the government plans interest-rate increases to curb rising prices in the country.

Soap Casting <b>News</b>: The King Joins &#39;OTLTL&#39; ... and More

This week, a four-decade fan favorite got the seal of approval, while a tall, dark and handsome actor found a new gig. Also, don't forget.

bench craft company rip off

NBC Ad Urges Recording <b>News</b> -

The anchor Brian Williams encourages people to record "Nightly News" if they cannot watch it at 6:30 pm.

Real Estate <b>News</b>: China Limits Foreign Investment - Developments - WSJ

Here is a look at real-estate news in the weekend's and Monday's WSJ:

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/15 - Arrowhead Pride

Well, that happened. Who invited the 2009 Chiefs to yesterday's game? As you can imagine, there are a lot of recaps and opinions on the game (and a missing handshake). Here's today's Kansas City Chiefs news.

bench craft company rip off

PICT1779 by HenryAllum

bench craft company rip off

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